Notes & audio links for May 1 Proportional Representation for Action on Climate Change

130 Canadians took action on climate change by attending Proportional Representation for Action on Climate Change at Toronto Metro Hall, an event hosted by Electoral Alliance and JustEarth on May 1, 2014.

Lynn McDonald introduced Moderator Reg Stackhouse, PhD, former Conservative MP.

Each of the panel speakers (Bruce Hyer, MP Green Party; Joyce Murray, MP Liberal Party;Linda McQuaig, former candidate, New Democratic Party), was to speak for 15 minutes and to answer three questions:
• How good or bad is Canada's action on climate change?
• Could electoral systems based on proportional representation make a difference?
• How do we get there?

Read the Proceedings of the town hall

Bruce Hyer's handout at the meeting - speeach and anaswers to the three questions

Listen to Joyce Murray

Listen to Linda McQuaig

Questions & Answers include 

  1. Students question panel - students asking questions -Ben Donato-Woodger, Alice Zhu, Arezoo Najibzadeh, Jack Troughton, Jay Bains
  2. Co-sponsors questions
  3. Other questions

Listen to the Question and Answers and closing remakrs by John Bessai