Federal Pre-election Town Hall on Climate Change
Mon, Mar 02,
6:00 to 8:00
Fitzgerald Building Rm 103
University of Toronto, St. George Campus
150 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E2

200 tickets available for the Toronto location- Eventbrite TICKETS
Facebook event HERE
A coalition of over 38 organizations across Canada including university departments, student organizations and environmental and democracy action groups are calling on the federal parties to state their positions on climate change.
NDP MP Matthew Kellway, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, and Liberal Party Environment Critic John McKay will attend in person.
The new, young voters will be asking how a government by each party would do better at tackling climate change than a government of either of the other parties. It is expected that questions will be fielded on specifics such as carbon pricing, regulations, government procurement policies and other means parties may have explored in their policy discussions. Each party representative will make an initial statement before taking questions by students and attendees.
University campuses across the country will be linked to the live Toronto location via Skype so that attendees can, through local hosts, ask the parties questions. Campuses participating in the Skype discussion include York University, McGill University, University of Montreal, University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, and Dalhousie University. The event will be live streamed.
Matthew Kellway is NDP Urban Affairs Critic, and Deputy Critic for Transport; and is the MP for Toronto, Beaches – East York. He co-hosted a Youth Ideas Forum with Craig Scott, MP for Toronto-Danforth. Matthew and Craig also co-host the East End Sustainability Network (EESN), offering a venue for constituents to develop a federal agenda for the purposes of urban sustainability. He has been a strong advocate on environmental issues.
Elizabeth May is the Leader of the Green Party of Canada and is the MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands. A former Senior Policy Advisor to the federal Minister of the Environment and Executive Director of the Sierra Club of Canada, Elizabeth May has served on the board of the International Institute for Sustainable Development and as Vice-Chair of the National Round Table on Environment and Economy and is currently a Commissioner of the Earth Charter International Council.
Hon. John McKay is Liberal Party of Canada Critic for the Environment and is the MP for Scarborough-Guildwood. He is serving his sixth term in the House of Commons. John MaKay was in the private practice of law and has assumed leadership positions in the legal community; He was sponsor of Bill C-300, a bill respecting corporate accountability for mining, oil and gas companies in developing nations in 2009-2010.
Moderator: Dr. Nelson Wiseman, the UofT Director of the Canadian Studies Program. His research interests are in Canadian government and politics. His books include The Public Intellectual in Canada (University of Toronto Press, 2013) and In Search of Canadian Political Culture (UBC Press, 2007), designated by Choice as an Outstanding Academic Title. A columnist for The Hill Times, Canada’s politics and government newsweekly, he fields many calls from local, national, and international media on Canadian federal, provincial, and municipal politics.
Location: Fitzgerald Building RM103, University of Toronto, St. George Campus
Event begins at 6 pm(Eastern Standard Time)
Climate Impact Network
University of Toronto Department of Political Science
University of Toronto School of the Environment
FairVote Canada
Why Should I Care
Citizens’ Democracy Forum
Council of Canadians Toronto Chapter
Council of Canadians Peel Chapter
Council of Canadians York University Chapter
Youth Vote Canada
Our Horizon
Green Neighbours 21
Transition Toronto
Toronto Climate Action Network
Leadnow Etobicoke
Green 13
Our Place Initiative
Dig-In Agriculture
Bike Chain
Green Chemistry Initiative
Victoria University Student Administrative Council
Wastefree TakeOut
InnovaMasters Not-for-Profit Organization
Caffiends Victoria
University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union
University of Toronto Sustainability Commission
University of Toronto Environmental Resource Network
University of Toronto Energy Fair
SAGE, University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union
University of Toronto B.E.E.S.
Partner Universities:
Common Energy, University of British Columbia
Development Students for Change Club, University of Calgary
University of Montreal
CERES, McGill University
UBC Sustainability Initiative
UBC Environmental Sciences program
DSU Sustianability Office, Dalhousie University
UBC Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability
York University
Media Partners:
Green Heroes
The Green Majority
150 College Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E2