NDP's commitment to Electoral Reform - MMP
Tom Mulcair, Leader of NDP replied to our letter re Proportional Representation is Crucial
October 8, 2013
Members, The Canadian Electoral Alliance
Dear Friends:
Thank you for your recent email. I’m glad that you were able to participate in Craig’s consultations on proportional representation. I hope you will continue to follow his tour here:
http://craigscott.ndp.ca/democraticreform . I appreciate your input and your suggestions on how to move forward. Please know that with Craig in the lead, New Democrats will investigate thoroughly all scenarios and their possible effects on other important NDP campaigns such as Senate abolition.
Like you, New Democrats believe Canada needs electoral reform to ensure that Parliament more closely reflects the political will of Canadians. We know that more and more Canadians no longer accept the unfairness of the current electoral system—they want a system that ensures that their votes count.
In March 2011, the NDP tabled a motion calling for the House of Commons to appoint a Special Committee for Democratic Improvement. Unfortunately, the Conservatives, Liberals and the Bloc voted against the motion. We are now acting on what would have been the mandate of this Committee–-to engage with Canadians, and make recommendations to Parliament on how best to achieve a House of Commons that more accurately reflects the votes of Canadians by combining direct election by electoral district and proportional representation—with Craig’s consultations.
As you likely know, our commitment to electoral reform was again reinforced at our 2013 NDP Convention where delegates debated and passed a resolution in support of electoral reform. It reads as follows:
5-02-13 Resolution on Electoral Reform:
WHEREAS the current federal electoral system contains major shortcomings generating a significant democratic deficit;
WHEREAS the decline in voter turnout in federal elections in the last twenty years in Canada is worrying;
WHEREAS any electoral reform process must include the study of all relevant experience with an electoral system that includes both proportional representation and MPs directly elected in ridings;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the federal New Democratic Party reaffirm its desire to reform Canada’s electoral system by way of a system that combines proportional representation and direct election of Members of Parliament from constituencies, that is to say, through a version of mixed member proportional (MMP) representation that is adapted to Canada.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the NDP reaffirms its longstanding electoral commitment to such reform and its firmly held belief that Canadian voters must approve such reform.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT the federal NDP’s Critic and Deputy Critic for Democratic and Parliamentary Reform should consult widely in communities across Canada before the next federal election.
New Democrats want to make sure our current electoral system reflects the political preferences of Canadians. We will continue to work towards changes to the first-past-the- post practice for electing MPs by combining it with a proportional representation system that more accurately reflects the political will and decisions of the voting public. We remain committed to engaging Canadians to solicit their views on the kind of representation they want.
It’s time for a change. Let’s work together to make electoral reform happen. Again, thank you for writing. I appreciate hearing your views.
Thomas Mulcair, M.P. (Outremont) Leader of the Official Opposition New Democratic Party of Canada