Newsletter issues

US, Canada & Australia on Climate Change

Upcoming events: 


Sunday, June 22, 1-5pm, Metro Hall, 55 John St (King & John), room 308

From the dire warnings of the IPCC and other reports, to the imperative for an EMERGENCY ACTION agreement at the 2015 Paris Climate Summit (via New York City and Lima 2014).

Presentations, videos, Q & A, FREE admission, snacks and refreshments.

on the climate change EMERGENCY that will convey vital facts and insights about the latest dire reports and the life-or-extinction urgency to mobilize ahead of critical, fast-approaching international climate negotiation summits this September (in New York City) and December (in Lima, Peru).

Confirmed speakers / presenters:

  • Dr. Peter Carter: Climate Emergency Institute, Expert Reviewer, IPCC Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report.
  • Julie Johnston: GreenHeart Education, former Coordinator of Environment and Sustainability Programs, Upper Canada College.
  • Stephen Leahy: Environmental journalist, co-winner of the 2012 Prince Albert/United Nations Global Prize for Climate Change Reporting, and a senior science and environment correspondent at Inter Press Service News Agency (IPS).
  • Glenn MacIntosh: Founder, ecoSanity, Climate Crisis Compilations, CON JOB blog series.

Organized by ecoSanity

Event page  

What's new: 

Obama on Climate Change

See the interview

“Science is science...  And there is no doubt that if we burned all the fossil fuel that’s in the ground right now that the planet’s going to get too hot and the consequences could be dire.”

“We’re not going to be able to burn it all. Over the course of the next several decades, we’re going to have to build a ramp from how we currently use energy to where we need to use energy. And we’re not going to suddenly turn off a switch and suddenly we’re no longer using fossil fuels, but we have to use this time wisely, so that you have a tapering off of fossil fuels replaced by clean energy sources that are not releasing carbon. ... But I very much believe in keeping that 2 [degree] Celsius target as a goal.”

Climate change “is going to be one of the most significant long-term challenges” the nation faces, said Mr. Obama.

“. ... I don’t always lead with the climate change issue because if you right now are worried about whether you’ve got a job or if you can pay the bills, the first thing you want to hear is how do I meet the immediate problem? One of the hardest things in politics is getting a democracy to deal with something now where the payoff is long term or the price of inaction is decades away. ….”

“is how climate change could end up having profound national security implications in poorer countries. ….. But when you start seeing how these shifts can displace people — entire countries can be finding themselves unable to feed themselves and the potential incidence of conflict that arises out of that — that gets your attention. There’s a reason why the quadrennial defense review — [which] the secretary of defense and the Joints Chiefs of Staff work on — identified climate change as one of our most significant national security problems. It’s not just the actual disasters that might arise, it is the accumulating stresses that are placed on a lot of different countries and the possibility of war, conflict, refugees, displacement that arise from a changing climate.”

What is the one thing you would still like to see us do to address climate change? Said Obama: put a price on carbon.

The way we’ve solved previous problems, like acid rain, he noted, “was that we said: ‘We’re going to charge you if you’re releasing this stuff into the atmosphere, but we’re going to let you figure out — with the marketplace and with the technology’ ” how best to mitigate it. But “you can’t keep dumping it out in the atmosphere and making everybody else pay for it. So if there’s one thing I would like to see, it’d be for us to be able to price the cost of carbon emissions. ... We’ve obviously seen resistance from the Republican side of the aisle on that. And out of fairness, there’s some Democrats who’ve been concerned about it as well, because regionally they’re very reliant on heavy industry and old-power plants. ... I still believe, though, that the more we can show the price of inaction — that billions and potentially trillions of dollars are going to be lost because we do not do something about it — ultimately leads us to be able to say, ‘Let’s go ahead and help the marketplace discourage this kind of activity.’ ”

Obama tells graduates that denying climate change is like arguing the moon is made of cheese

President Barack Obama said denying climate change is like arguing the moon is made of cheese, as he issued a call to action on global warming to Saturday's graduates of the University of California, Irvine.

Obama issued the call to the tens of thousands gathered at Angel Stadium even though he said Congress "is full of folks who stubbornly and automatically reject the scientific evidence" and say climate change is a hoax or fad.

Prime Minister Harper and Prime Minister Abbott from Australia spoke about climate change

The two leaders didn’t talk about the need to urgently address a crisis, which is already causing the unstoppable melting of the Antarctic ice shelf that will raise global sea levels over ten feet, forcing the evacuation of many island nations.
They didn’t talk about the more frequent and intense extreme weather events ravaging the planet.
And they didn’t talk about increased warnings from the global scientific community that we need to take robust and immediate action to mitigate climate change or the UN Climate Chief statement that - we need to keep 3/4rds of the worlds remaining fossil fuel reserves in the ground in order to have a chance at stabilizing the planet.
Instead, Prime Minister Harper and Prime Minister Abbott talked about the need to find ‘allies’ to help thwart U.S. President Obama in his attempts to get the world to take action on a growing climate crisis.
They also talked about how we shouldn’t take any action on climate change if it has the potential to hurt the economy.

Despite Protests, Canada Approves Northern Gateway Oil Pipeline

The Canadian government’s approval of a major pipeline running from the Alberta oil sands to a new port on the coast of British Columbia has intensified opposition from aboriginal groups, environmentalists and community advocates.

The Northern Gateway project, which the government approved on Tuesday as expected, would send heavy, oil-bearing bitumen to Asia, giving Canadian producers better access to the world markets. The pipeline, being built by Enbridge, has been championed by the federal government as a way to diversify Canada’s energy industry from its current dependence on exports to the United States.

But opponents in British Columbia, who span the political spectrum, threatened to block the pipeline altogether. The fear is that the pipeline would make the province vulnerable to an oil spill, damaging the rugged and scenic coastline.

8 of 12 LIBERAL candidates that signed the pledge have been elected

Pledge for Action on Climate Change - for Ontario Election.  We can now follow and check if they act on their pledge.  See the list of who signed
Brampton – Springdale - Harinder Malhi
Etobicoke – Lakeshore - Peter Milczyn
Halton - Indira Naidoo-Harris
Thornhill - Sandra Yeung Racco
Thunder Bay - Superior North - Michael Gravelle
Willowdale - David Zimmer
York West - Mario Sergio
York Centre - Monte Kwinter



Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at

Democracy Salon Jun 11 and Ontario Election Jun 12

Upcoming events: 

Democracy Salon June 2014

Everyone is welcome for our monthly meeting

Wed, Jun 11,2014 at 6 to 8 pm
The 519 Community Centre, 519 Church St., Toronto


  1. Planning the summer event - Food and Climate Change
  2. Update on Ontario Election request for candidates to sign pledge for action on climate change
  3. Letter to three federal party leader on cooperation campaign
  4. Official processes - such as the letter writing campaign
  5. Information and statistics mining
  6. Website organization
  7. Anti-spam regulation

Bring a friend with you and join in the dicussion!

Ontario Election 2014 June 12, 2014

Which candidates commit to action on climate change?

TOTAL 37 GREEN, 7 NDP, 10 LIBERAL CANADIDATES signed the pledge.  Please note we have sent the request to sign to Conservatives but none of the candidates signed nor responded to our email.  SEE FULL LIST


To avoid further degradation of our environments, action must be taken now.  In order to positively affect the climate change challenge, I pledge to work towards bringing in a comprehensive plan that promotes:

  • Developing a substantive, actionable, Renewable Energy Plan, which includes Conservation, and the promotion and encouraged use of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The development of Renewable Energy infrastructures and capacity building for Renewable Energy applications
  • A system of carbon production capacity monitoring to reduce our carbon footprints

One Big Campaign

34 key ridings where we need to defeat Tim Hudak
One Big Campaign (OBC) has made hundreds-of-thousands of phone calls to identify 34 ridings across the province that we believe are key to the outcome of this Thursday’s Ontario election. If either Liberal or NDP candidates can defeat Conservatives in most of these target ridings, we believe Tim Hudak will go down in defeat.

Because of the way voters are thinking – and not because OBC favors the Liberals in any way – we recommend that voters support the Liberals in 27 of the ridings and New Democrats in the other seven.

Please distribute the link to this page widely - particularly to folks you know in any of the 34 ridings.

Party positions on key environmental issues facing Ontario 

The Ontario Environmental Priorities Initiative has compiled commitments found in the platforms of the four major parties that address the key environmental issues facing Ontario.  We also sent these parties a questionnaire seeking more information on their positions on these issues.  We will be issuing a scorecard on how well we feel the parties have addressed the issue in a few days, but for now you can see for yourself what the parties have to say  - Read More


What's new: 

Obama on Obama Climate

When it comes to dealing with the world’s climate and energy challenges I have a simple rule: change America, change the world.

If America raises its clean energy standards, not only will others follow — others who have hid behind our inaction — we’ll also stimulate our industry to invent more of the clean air, clean power and energy efficiency systems, and move them down the cost curve faster, so U.S. companies will be leaders in this next great global industry and American consumers will be the first to benefit.
Interview with President Obama in the White House library about climate and energy

Abuse of power by the Harper Government

Time was when we had to wait weeks, even months for each new abuse of power by the Harper government. Now they arrive by the day, sometimes two and three at a time.

For in Canada, uniquely, the prime minister’s powers of appointments extend not only to all who serve beneath him, but to every one of the offices that might be expected to hold him in check. Read More


Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at

Democracy Salon Jun 11; Will Canada follow US?

Upcoming events: 


Democracy Salon June 2014

Everyone is welcome for our monthly meeting

Wed, Jun 11,2014 at 6 to 8 pm
The 519 Community Centre, 519 Church St., Toronto


  • Planning the summer event - Food and Climate Change
  • Update on Ontario Election request for candidates to sign pledge for action on climate change
  • Letter to three federal party leader on cooperation campaign
  • Official processes - such as the letter writing campaign
  • Information and statistics mining
  • Website organization
  • Anti-spam regulation

Bring a friend with you and join in the dicussion!

What's new: 

Barack Obama sets 2030 emissions target for U.S. power plants


Proposal will set first-ever national limits on carbon dioxide
The Obama administration on Monday will unveil a plan to cut Earth-warming pollution from power plants by 30 per cent by 2030, setting in motion one of the most significant actions to address global warming in U.S. history.

The rule, which is expected to be final next year, will set the first-ever national limits on carbon dioxide, the chief gas linked to global warming from U.S. power plants. They are the largest source of greenhouse gases in the U.S., accounting for about a third of the annual emissions, and make the U.S. the second largest contributor to global warming on the planet.

The regulation is a centrepiece of President Barack Obama's plans to reduce the pollution linked to global warming, a step that the administration hopes will get other countries to act when negotiations on a new international treaty resume next year. Read More

Mike Schreiner of Green Party of Ontario argues why Proportional Representation is good public policy

“In Ontario we have zero seats in the legislature, so those hundreds of thousands of people who support us don’t have a voice at Queen’s Park,” he said. “By moving to proportional representation you eliminate strategic voting, you minimize the amount of negative campaigning which goes on, which increasingly tends to dominate our elections, and you force parties to transparently figure out ways to co-operate in the public interest, rather than in their political self-interest.”  Read More

Pledge for Action on Climate Change - for Ontario Election 2014 UPDATE

AS OF JUNE 3, 2014 -

2 MORE GREEN (Linh Nguyen of Mississuaga East Cooksville, Joseph LeBlanc of Thunder Bay Superior North) ,

5 MORE LIBERAL (Peter Milczyn of Etobicoke Lakeshore, Indira Naidoo-Harris of Halton, Donna Tiqui-Shebib of Hamilton Centre,   Nancy Leblancof Parkdale High Park, Marina Jimenez of York Centre) CANDIDATES SIGNED!

NDP London - Fanshawe candidate Teresa Armstrong sent us the NDP answers on climate change

List of who signed as of May 30, 2014


Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at

Who signed the pledge for action on climate change?

Upcoming events: 

Pledge for Action on Climate Change - happening NOW

Last week we sent out the pledge to MPP Candidates.  33 Green Party candidates, 7 NDP candidates, and 2 Liberal candidates agreed to sign.

To avoid further degradation of our environments, action must be taken now.  In order to positively affect the climate change challenge, I pledge to work towards bringing in a comprehensive plan that promotes:

  • Developing a substantive, actionable, Renewable Energy Plan, which includes Conservation, and the promotion and encouraged use of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The development of Renewable Energy infrastructures and capacity building for Renewable Energy applications
  • A system of carbon production capacity monitoring to reduce our carbon footprints

I agree with the above pledge.  I authorize to display my name among other MPP candidates who agree with this pledge.
Political party:
See the FULL LIST  of who signed

Do not see the candidate in your riding signing the pledge?  Send them this email and ask them to sign!

Elizabeth May and Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner

Trinity-Spadina Town Hall Event with Elizabeth May and Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner
Friday, May 30, 6:30 p.m.
Auditorium (Room 2158), Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto, 1 King's College Circle, U of T
Let’s talk about how Greens are bringing real change to both Parliament and Queen's Park.
reserve your seat, send an email to

Do the Math - film and discussion on carbon pricing

Sunday June 1, 7 pm
Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave. (St. George subway)
Film showing 'Do the Math' followed by discussion on carbon pricing with Cheryl McNamara of Citizens Climate Lobby. Do the Math shows the numbers on the climate crisis, the tarsands, and the divestment movement. Free. Organized by ClimateFast and Toronto350. 416-731-6605.

Fair Vote Canada offer PR101

At their AGM and stand alone workshop June 7 at Ottawa

Get tickets


What's new: 

Watch Videos May 1 Town Hall Proportional Representation for Action for Climate Change 

20-minutes session for each speaker & Q&A from student question panel, co-sponsors & the attendees.

Opening by Lynn McDonald, Chair & Co-founder of Canadian Electoral Alliance and JustEarth; Introduction by Dr. Reg Stackhouse, former Progressive Conservative Party MP; Speech by Bruce Hyer, Green Party MP
Speech by Joyce Murray, Liberal Party MP WATCH NOW!
Speech by Linda McQuaig, former Candidate, NDP WATCH NOW!
Q&A - Student panel, co-sponsors & attendees WATCH NOW!
Written summary and audio FULL COVERAGE HERE


Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at

Pledge for Action on Climate Change - happening now!

Upcoming events: 

Pledge for Action on Climate Change - NOW!

Ontario election is at the door.  Which MPP candidate will pledge to take action on climate change?  We will find out as we have sent this request to MPP candidates, asking them to sign the pledge. 

Dear MPP candidate,

Climate change affects every facet of our lives.    We would like to see our government taking action now to show their determination in tackling this very serious issue.
We would like to ask your pledge on reaching this goal.  Please email with the following pledge completed with your name, riding in which you are running, the political party you belong to and your email address.

Yours sincerely,
Wing Wo for Canadian Electoral Alliance and JustEarth


To avoid further degradation of our environments, action must be taken now.  In order to positively affect the climate change challenge, I pledge to work towards bringing in a comprehensive plan that promotes:


  • Developing a substantive, actionable, Renewable Energy Plan, which includes Conservation, and the promotion and encouraged use of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The development of Renewable Energy infrastructures and capacity building for Renewable Energy applications
  • A system of carbon production capacity monitoring to reduce our carbon footprints

I agree with the above pledge. 

People's Climate March

September 20, 2014 at New York City, New York
Peoples Climate March

"This is an invitation to change everything.

In September, world leaders are coming to New York City for a historic summit on climate change. With our future on the line and the whole world watching, we’ll take a stand to bend the course of history.

Together, we’ll take to the streets to demand the world we know is within our reach: a world with an economy that works for people and the planet. A world safe from the ravages of climate change. A world with good jobs, clean air, and healthy communities for everyone...."


What's new: 

Videos for May 1 town hall Proportional Representation for Action on Climate Change

Missed the event?  Want a review?  Watch these video 20 minutes each.

Opening by Lynn McDonald, Chair & Co-founder of Canadian Electoral Alliance and JustEarth; Introduction by Dr. Reg Stackhouse, former Progressive Conservative Party MP; Speech by Bruce Hyer, Green Party MP

Speech by Joyce Murray, Liberal Party MP


Speech by Linda McQuaig, former Candidate, NDP


 Written summary and audio FULL COVERAGE HERE


Could civilization collapse?

A new study partially funded by NASA suggests heavy demands on the world's natural resources and extreme economic imbalances could spell a premature end for modern human civilization. Read more



Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at

Tell Ontario Liberal,NDP&Green:Electoral Alliance for action on climate change

Upcoming events: 

A message to Liberal, NDP & Green party Ontario leaders

Ontario election is here!  We wrote to Kathleen Wynne of Liberal Party, Andrea Horwarth of NDP, and Mike Schreiner of Green Party to

  • Put the interests of the country above the advantage of individual political parties; 
  • Cooperate to get a majority government and get action on climate change. 

We can make this happen! Share and spread the message NOW!

Like and share on Facebook

Dear Kathleen Wynne, Andrea Horwath, and Mike Schreiner,

We are concerned about the possible outcome of the coming provincial election and would like to offer some suggestions.

Our concern is that vote splitting between your parties will result in a Conservative Government that is not likely to take action on climate change. 

We encourage your parties to support each other in ridings where the Conservative Party is likely to win if there is vote splitting.   Together, you are the “majority” at Queen’s Park where you can work towards the best for all Ontarians.

We urge each of you to put the interests of the country above the advantage of individual political parties. We strongly encourage each of you to cooperate to the extent necessary in this provincial election to ensure the election of a government that represents the majority of voters, most of whom are concerned about environmental issues and who would like action to address climate change.

Yours sincerely,

Wing Wo for Canadian Electoral Alliance & JustEarth


What's new: 

Federal Court nixes approval of new nuclear reactors

Environmentalists are applauding a landmark Federal Court ruling that puts the brakes on building expensive and risky new nuclear reactors in Ontario.  More Details

Elizabeth May'speech on Fair Elections Act (bill-c-23)

Unfortunately, even with the number of government amendments that were accepted at committee, the bill falls far short of being what is required to go by the name of a “fair elections act”. Details

New tanker spill rules raise liability for companies 

The federal government won't impose unlimited liability on oil tanker companies if an oil spill occurs off the Atlantic or west coasts... Details

Germany Sets New Record, Generating 74 Percent Of Energy Needs From Renewable Energy 

Germany’s impressive streak of renewable energy milestones continued, with renewable energy generation surging to a record portion — nearly 75 percent — of the country’s overall electricity demand by midday. With wind and solar in particular filling such a huge portion of the country’s power demand, electricity prices actually dipped into the negative for much of the afternoon... Details

Canada’s $207,000 oil sands ad: Putting a price on deception

They are slick pieces of propaganda – misleading without being outright lies. Of course, advertising is all about propaganda. But this ad is unconscionable because you, the Canadian taxpayer, paid for it. Details

This is how you shut down “the debate” around climate change

Watch this video - host of “Last Week Tonight,” John Oliver, showed just how little debate there is around the reality of climate change - details

Desmond Tutu: Opposition to pipelines is a moral choice 

Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond:...the urgency of our responsibility to take action has never been clearer. Every single day hundreds of millions of lives and livelihoods are affected by global warming, a trend that will inevitably and dramatically reduce the quality of life for future generations.

This is why I have become more outspoken in support of citizen-led strategies that will force governments and corporations to move away from our dependence upon fossil fuels and towards safer and cleaner energies that can protect people and our planet.

I stand in solidarity with communities across Canada and the United States that are opposing the proposed oil sands pipelines. The struggle of citizens against the pipelines puts them on the front lines of one of the most important struggles in North America today: stopping the reckless expansion of the oil sands. More details


Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at

What happened on May 1? What will happen on May 10 & May 14?

Upcoming events: 

What happend on May 1? Proportional Representation for Action on Climate Change

130 Canadians took action on climate change by attending Proportional Representation for Action on Climate Change at Toronto Metro Hall, an event hosted by Canadian Electoral Alliance and JustEarth on May 1, 2014.

Thank you for coming!

Read the Proceedings of the town hall - notes in PDF & audio links

Here are some highlights.

Lynn McDonald, co-founder of JustEarth and Canadian Electoral Alliance opens the evening & introduced moderator Dr. Reg Stackhouse

We asked the speakers three questions:

  • How good or bad Canada does Climate Change?
  • How can Proportional Representation get action on climate change
  • What can we do to reach this goal?

Dr. Reg Stackhouse, moderator, introduced Bruce Hyer, Green Party
 Read the Speech from Bruce Hyer
Dr. Reg Stackhouse introduced Joyce Murray, Liberal Party
 Listen to Joyce Murray
Dr. Reg Stackhouse introduced Linda McQuaig, NDP
 Listen to Linda McQuaig

Thank you all speakers for coming to speak to us and share their insights!

Five students asked the speakers to respond to their questions.  You are amazing! Our future leaders of this planet!


Co-sponsors met with attendees and they asked questions.   Thank you for coming and promoting the event!


Special thanks to our volunteers - Lynn, John, Wing, Susan, Peter, Frank, Kin & Justin - for making our event possible!

What will happen on May 10? Stand up to defend our climate

On May 10, 2014 across the country, come out to Defend Our Climate & Defind Our Communities against pipelines and dirty oil. Find local events Here are a few:
Ottawa Rideau Falls, Toronto City Hall, Vancouver Sunset Beach, Victoria Beacon Hill Park, Montreal Park la Fontaine, Edmonton Canada Place, Halifax Parade Square

What will happen on May 14? Next Step Meet

Wednesday, May 14 2014 at 7:00pm 5th floor lounge -OISE Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), 252 Bloor St W, Toronto (St George TTC station, Bedford Rd exit)

Come join us for the meeting hosted by Canadian Electoral Alliance and JustEarth. FREE ADMISSION


  1. Feedback about the May 1 event on proportional representation and climate change and discussion on next steps.
  2. Discussion of what to do over the summer
  3. What should we do about the forthcoming provincial election
What's new: 

US' National Climate Assessment Report

White House To Make Another Big Push On Climate With New Report On Impacts. The report is an update from the U.S. Global Change Research Program. The last assessment, released in June 2009, included grim predictions on sea levels, heat waves and droughts into the future. More

Proportionally climate change is a big issue that deserve it's own coverage everyday

Al Jazeera America devoted significantly more time to the newest climate change report than its cable news competitors, according to a data search by Think Progress. The network granted 120 minutes of airtime to the National Climate Assessment released by the Obama administration Tuesday, miles ahead of Fox News' abysmal 24 minutes. CNN, MSNBC and Fox News all spent less than 80 minutes each on the assessment. More

Climate change>Rising sea level>Impact your city

What will your city look like when it happens? Check out this website

Green Opportunities

Why Should I Care, one of our co-sponsor friends, had a talk about Green Opportunities - Environment Commissioner Gord Miller and Professor Debbie deLange in April - If you missed it, Read what they said


Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at

Act now! May 1 is here!

Upcoming events: 

On this May Day May 1, 2014,

and Co-host   


Proportional Representation for Action on Climate Change

Rm 308/309 at Metro Hall - 55 John St., Toronto (St Andrew subway station)

Thursday, May 1 @7-9pm

Free admission - bring a friend! Spread the word! 

Joyce Murray, MP Liberal Party and critic for National Defence, has run a reforestation business and served as B.C. Environment Minister. In 2012 she ran second for the Liberal leadership, featuring democratic reform and sustainability in her campaign

Bruce Hyer, MP Green Party for Thunder Bay - Superior North and Deputy Leader of the Green Party of Canada, has sponsored a number of motions and a private member's bill on climate change, Bill C-311, The Climate Change Accountability Act.

Linda McQuaig, former candidate, New Democratic Party, an award-winning journalist and best-selling author of It's the Crude, Dude: War, Big Oil and the Fight for the Planet, and (with Neil Brooks)

Moderator: Reg Stackhouse, PhD, former Conservative MP

Check out our website Canadian Electoral Alliance

Join us on Facebook


 Leadnow joined our co-sponsors' list -



Council of Canadians, Toronto Chapter

Fair Vote Toronto


For Our Grandhildten


Toronto Climate Action Network



Unlock Democracy

Why Should I Care

Youth Vote Canada


What's new: 

Response from Leader of the Government

We have been sending letters to MPs and party leaders.  We received a response back - Read more here

In the letter, "In 2007, our Government completed a series of cross-country consultations in order to consult Canadians on issues of democratic reform, including our electoral system."

Do you recall such consultations? If you do, please share the information with us. 


Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at

May 1 is May Day & Action on Climate Change

Upcoming events: 

On this May Day,

With Co-host   

Welcoming you and your friends to

Proportional Representation for Action on Climate Change

Rm 308/309 at Metro Hall - 55 John St., Toronto (St Andrew subway station)

Thursday, May 1 @7-9pm

Free admission

Joyce Murray, MP Liberal Party and critic for National Defence, has run a reforestation business and served as B.C. Environment Minister. In 2012 she ran second for the Liberal leadership, featuring democratic reform and sustainability in her campaign

Bruce Hyer, MP Green Party for Thunder Bay - Superior North and Deputy Leader of the Green Party of Canada, has sponsored a number of motions and a private member's bill on climate change, Bill C-311, The Climate Change Accountability Act.

Linda McQuaig, former candidate, New Democratic Party, an award-winning journalist and best-selling author of It's the Crude, Dude: War, Big Oil and the Fight for the Planet, and (with Neil Brooks)

Moderator: Reg Stackhouse, PhD, former Conservative MP

Check out our website Canadian Electoral Alliance

Join us on Facebook



Council of Canadians, Toronto Chapter

Fair Vote Toronto


For Our Grandhildten


Toronto Climate Action Network



Unlock Democracy

Why Should I Care

Youth Vote Canada


What's new: 

Climate Change Capitalism and Our Climate Crisis Mismatch

Climate change demands that we consume less, but being consumers is all we know... Climate change is slow, and we are fast... Climate change is place-based, and we are everywhere at once... Climate pollutants are invisible, and we have stopped believing in what we cannot see. Read the article

"Ruthless, Cutthroat psychopaths"

Do you think PMO has too much power? Should this be an office for the government or for Conservatives? Why we need PMO?

"The staff at the PMO have no allegiance to anything other than getting the Conservative Party re-elected. And they feel entitled to tear strips off bureaucrats at all levels of the system," she said. "It completely offends the principles of parliamentary democracy." Read more

Happy Earth Day. We just reached another scary climate change milestone.

..level of CO2 in the atmosphere is now increasing at a rate that is at least 100 times faster than it has been at any time since record-keeping began. At some point next year or the year after, based on current rates, carbon dioxide levels will rise above 400 ppm and will not be likely to fall below that mark again. More

Climate Consensus 97%

97%CONSENUS amongst climate experts and in the climate science literature that HUMAN are CAUSING global warming. The scientific evidence on this question is overwhelming...What's causing global warming: HUMAN greenhouse gas emissions..What's NOT causing global warming: natural external factors like solar activity, and natural internal factors like ocean cycles. Read the article


Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at

Happy Earth Day!!

Upcoming events: 

What is your plan for Earth Day?  Here are some suggestions....

Earth Day Celebration with Julia Butterfly Hill and Mark Morey

Turning Inspiration Into Action: An Earth Day Celebration with Julia Butterfly Hill

Apr 22@7-9pm OISE @University of Toronto 252 Bloor Street W. 

Roots and Vision: Seeds of Change

with Julia Butterfly Hill - Toronto Workshop - register

Wednesday, April 23 at 6:00-9:30pm, Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave, Toronto

Students: $30 Adults: $40 Supporters: $75

Take action on Thur May 1 Proportional Representation for Action on Climate Change

Print this flyer for the May 1 town hall from our website
Post it on community centres, libraries, your MPs' offices. 

Invite your friends to come on Facebook  

What's new: 

Bruce Hyer video about Earth Day

Elizabeth May and Bruce Hyer were both involved in the first Earth Day.  Never too young or too late to get involved. Earth Day is a good day to start.  Watch

Act now and see how to get action on climate change.  Meet Bruce Hyer May 1 town hall Proportional Representation for Action on Climate Change.

Toronto City Council pushes back against Big Oil and Line 9

the council voted 28 to 4 to ask the Province of Ontario to "conduct a comprehensive environmental assessment of the Enbridge Line 9B application" -- a project to run diluted tar sands oil ("dilbit") through an aging pipeline "Line 9" that cuts across the city. The vote, on a motion by Councillor Mike Layton, was a slap in the face of Canada's federal government, whose National Energy Board (NEB) had approved the project March 6 in a decision aimed at shutting down controversy over the troubled project.

The Obama administration has approved an extension on the comment period for the Keystone XL pipeline

The Obama administration further delayed its decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline project on Friday, with no conclusion now likely until after the U.S. mid-term elections in November.

President Barack Obama has said he will have the final say on whether to allow the pipeline connecting Canada's oil sands region to Texas refiners, and several government agencies had been given until May to weigh in. This had raised expectations of a final decision by mid-year. Read more

Friends of the Earth statement on Keystone XL delay: This decision shows the power of the movement against the Keystone XL pipeline by the people of Nebraska and activists all across the country. Whether President Obama makes a decision on the pipeline next month or next year, Keystone XL clearly fails the president’s climate test. This delay shows that TransCanada will not succeed in bullying their way to approval, bypassing established democratic procedures. Further analysis will only confirm how risky this pipeline is to the health of the American economy, environment, people, and our climate.


Canadian Electoral Alliance is a volunteer group. The organization sprang from informal discussions after the last federal election resulted in a Harper Conservative majority with less than 40% of the popular vote. The “60% majority” now sees cherished institutions wrecked, environmental measures long in place eliminated, money spent on prison building (although the crime rate is  falling), among them.

Our members include members of three political parties along with many with no party affiliation. People of any political persuasion are welcome. The goal is basic electoral reform, to make every vote count, to revitalize Canadian democracy.

If you haven't already done so, sign our declaration at


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