Climate Change Law in New York Bridges Partisan Divide

Republicans and Democrats, environmentalists and the business community, get behind the groundbreaking bill. 

Katherine Bagley, InsideClimate News Aug 5, 2014 

Adapting for climate change is no longer just a recommendation in New York State. It is about to become the law.


Climate Deniers: All Washed Up

Ogg & Uck are back, this time talking about collapsing ice sheets and sea level rise. As usual, mayhem is headed their way, but they're pretty much just still a couple of arguing cave men. WATCH ANIMATION


Canadians deserve honest climate talk

Mark Jaccard, Globe and Mail, Aug 5,2014

In 2007, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government asked me and four other economists if we agreed with its study showing huge costs for Canada to meet its Kyoto commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2010. We all publicly agreed,...

IMF calls for green shift with 52% gas tax hike in Canada

The Canadian Press, Jul 31, 2014 

The International Monetary Fund says Canada and other countries can improve their economies and environment by hiking energy taxes — while cutting them on people and capital.

In a new book, Getting Energy Prices Right: From Principle to Practice,...

White House: $150 Billion a Year Will Be Cost of Climate Inaction

Damage to public health and biodiversity, as well as physical impacts from rising seas and more severe storms, droughts and wildfires will add up quickly.

Katherine Bagley, InsideClimate News Jul 29, 2014 

Seeking to blunt Congressional criticism of its climate agenda, and in...

Which Cities Will Be Completely Underwater In Less Than 100 Years?

Sara Critchfield, Upworthy,

This makes the term "rising sea levels" a lot more real. It looks like LA has less than 100 years, while San Francisco and lower Manhattan have less than 150 years. New Orleans and the rest of New York have about four centuries before they're gone.


EU agrees to improve energy efficiency 30% by 2030

EU climate chief says energy-saving deal is not good news for Putin, but others hoping for 40% target are disappointed.

Fiona Harvey, The Guardian, 23 July 2014

European Union member states will have to improve their energy efficiency by nearly a third in the next 15 years, under...

Germany named most energy efficient country in study of 16 major economies

The Clean Revolution, 22 July 2014

Germany is the world’s most energy efficient country, according to a new report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).

Sixteen of the world’s largest economies who collectively represent 71% of global electricity...

Green Party Talks 2015 Federal Election Strategy As Convention Begins

Althia Raj, Huffington Post, July 18, 2014

Green Party leader Elizabeth May is feeling a bit blue.

The Greens launched their biennial national party convention in New Brunswick on Friday, and she said there has been scant media interest.

Last month, CBC Radio did a recap of...

Germany pledges $1bn to UN climate change fund

Megan Rowling for AlertNet, The guardian, 15 July 2014

Aid group Oxfam has called on other rich nations to follow the example of Germany, which has promised €750m ($1bn) for the UN's fledgling Green Climate Fund.

"This announcement ends the deafening silence we've had so far around...
